Vibrancy: A Journey of Transformation

Vibrancy: A Journey of Transformation

Reflecting back to almost three years ago, I found myself working as a GM in retail while tirelessly building my side hustle for over 70+ hours a week. It was a challenging time, and at one point, I started losing hope and losing sight of my vision to work full-time in my spiritual healing business. However, I am immensely grateful for the shifts that have brought me to where I am today.

It has been a journey of hard work, but also a journey of learning to be more gentle with myself and building a deep relationship with God. This connection has allowed me to develop a strong and unbreakable bond with my intuition, and it has taught me the importance of self-love and feeling worthy of my desires. Looking back on these few years, it feels like a decade or more has passed. Logically, I can't comprehend how much I have changed as a human being. But energetically, my soul understands the transformation, and it fills me with joy. 

I also feel like I have regained my 20s and my vibrancy. Even at the age of 32, I am truly living in my vibrancy because I have learned to create it for myself. 

So, here's my advice: keep your focus on your vision. If something in your life doesn't bring you vibrancy, let it go. It will only drain you. The relationships you invest in have a significant influence on you, and the daily habits you cultivate shape who you are. Wherever you put your energy is a reflection of what truly matters to you.

Remember, everything worthwhile takes work! Cultivate a strong work ethic. Laziness and fear will only deceive you into believing you are someone you're not, unless you give in to them. Before confidence can blossom, you must embrace courage. If you want something, acknowledge your desire and go after it. Courage is not about achieving immediate success; it's about believing in yourself enough to take those crucial steps. And that, my friend, is a tremendous accomplishment in itself! Over time, those steps will become easier, and you will set bigger goals that may scare you. Embrace those feelings, for they mean you are truly alive, not just existing but living in your vibrancy! 

Remember, every cause you pursue will have an effect. It may not always come from the specific avenue where you invest your energy, but keep pouring your energy into the vision you wish to build and mind your own business. Your alignment will come, sometimes in mysterious and even seemingly crazy ways. But when it arrives, be present enough to savor and enjoy it fully!

Sending Light & Love, 

Emma- "Dancing Star-Light"